Jixing, belonging to the fourth administrative district of the Xinghe Federation, is the most remote star in the federation's territory. It was originally just a planet with a code name, but due to several brutal battles fought by the defense forces of the federation, it was named Jixing after the highest-ranking general who sacrificed himself there.,Mu Fan wasn't very talkative, but he was very sensible.,Under the cover of darkness, Mu Fan, unnoticed by anyone, had already run to the edge of a forest fifteen kilometers away from the factory. In the silent night, Mu Fan seemed to merge with this land, only the rising heat vapor indicated his existence. 。There is a river here, at night when people come to the icy water, it's Mu Fan's favorite place to wash away sweat and grime. With good luck, he can even catch a fish in the water, well, the taste of raw food is also very good, as long as!Mu Fan's goal today is to hunt down a large one, he feels himself getting stronger and stronger. The two plant rats from before are now far from enough to satisfy his needs. He wants to eat more 。This jungle was far from the city, and on a remote and impoverished planet like Gaxia, the authorities didn't have the resources to deploy too many satellites for monitoring. 。One of the few human-made cities that stand against nature, this jungle has kept its magnificent appearance. There are stronger beasts here, which for him, also means a richer feast!。