"My, my body!" Looking down, he found that his body was intact. Li Qiye was both surprised and delighted. After living for millions of years as a Yin Crow, he had finally reclaimed his own body. Even though he had endured countless hardships and seen countless storms, he couldn't help but feel excited at this moment.,“Hee hee hee, it's old me who fished you out of the river,” the old man chuckled. As he spoke, three large yellow teeth were exposed in a grin that was as sleazy as it gets.,The ancient school of Xiyuan is located within the territory of Baosheng Shangguo. Xiyuan Ancient School can be said to be a long-standing inheritance, a fairy gate imperial lineage. In the early days of the reign of emperors, Mingren Xiandi, who dominated the nine heavens and ten earths, founded the school here, naming it Xiyuan Ancient School.。