the number of wolves had increased.Originally, this pack of wolves only had over a hundred demon wolves, but this time they returned with over two hundred. There were also some clearly underage wolf...Beyond the Lìtiānxiá lies a vast expanse of plain, its terrain flat and featureless. Such a landscape presented a cruel disadvantage to Lü Yè's current predicament, for there was nowhere to hide.
He took out a very detailed map to examine it. Past this plain, there was a mountain, and on the other side of the mountain lay a great river. After crossing the river and traveling several dozen li further, they came upon a market town.
Such sorcery, if you were to take even a single bite of it, you wouldn't die but you would definitely be stripped of your skin.
The tiger's back was covered in blades as its leaves continuously launched attacks, while the spirit pattern protecting it flickered constantly.
After the fireball landed, Lu Ye and Amber only suffered some burns, but Lu Ye's hand holding the sword trembled violently.
The magic arts of Lingxi's Seven Layers are not so easy to break.
The opponent's technique was a large-scale attack, aiming to kill Lu Ye in one go. The destructive power was clearly dispersed, but he had to give it his all to block each fireball.
...And what if Dong Shu used all his strength What kind of scene would it be if he didn't rush the spellcasting
This time it really might be dangerous!The Myriad Forms Sea was still as bustling as ever. On the spirit islands, there were throngs of people. Flying cultivators and star vessels crisscrossed the sky ceaselessly.